Samsung dominates Ultra-HD-TV market in Europe

Samsung is the No. 1 flat-screen TV maker and also the market leader on Ultra-HD-TV sales in Europe. One out of two 4K TVs sold in Europe is made by Samsung. As the Gfk research agency reported on Thursday, Samsung has an stake of 48.3 percent in October 2013 of the UHD market.

Compared to the previous month, Samsung was able to raise their shares by 15 percent. One of the reasons why the samsung has the largest market share is because Samsung is the only manufacturer who promisses an upgrade capability for all its Ultra-HD-TVs .

In late summer Samsung launched the first ultra-high-definition devices in the European market . While the market share in Europe as a whole is just under 50 percent, Samsung has a much stronger position in the most significant markets such as Germany, France and the United Kindom. In these coutries the market share exceeded 60 percent.

Dominic Jahn
Dominic Jahn
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