Philips: new 24 and 28 inch 4K Monitors will arrive on CeBIT 2014 – Less than 1.000 Euro

Philips recently announced, that they will show two new 4K Monitors with 24 and 28 inch display on CeBIT 2014 in Hannover (Germany). The Company MMD Monitors, which sells and promotes licensed monitors and sinage displays under the name Philips, wants to offer 4K Monitors for less than 1.000 Euros in Europe.

MMD Monitors already passed on some information of the new 4K Monitors at IFA 2013. The panel technology is supposedly provided by LG Display. The UHD screens should appeal office users as well as graphic artists and designers alike. There are not much more information on the new 4K monitors so far. We assume that we will get further informations in the next weeks or months, at the latest on CeBIT 2014. The 24 inch modell will cost round about 950 Euros (1.300 Dollar US). The price of the 28 inch modell hasn’t come up yet.

The 4K Panels  Bereits zur IFA 2013 hat MMD Monitors erste Informationen zu den neuen Ultra HD Bildschirmen geliefert. Die Paneltechnik wird angeblich von LG Displays bereitgestellt.

Picture Source:

Dominic Jahn
Dominic Jahn
Couch-Streamer, TV-Umschalter & Genuss-Cineast. Am liebsten im Originalton, gerne auch in 3D! Paypal-Spende für die 4KFilme-Kaffeekasse
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